Sunday Gathering
On Sunday mornings, Open Door invites all to come and hear about what Christ is doing in and around Lexington. Visit us at 749 Addison Avenue, Lexington, KY at 10:00 am for our Sunday gathering.
Open Door.
That little phrase has deep meaning to us.
At Open Door Church, we have found great blessings in opening our doors. The “Open Door” is a metaphor, reminding us to open our lives to others. We want to grow deeper roots in the love of Christ. Loving God and loving our neighbor comes with great moments of beauty and pain, joy and sorrow, breakthroughs and setbacks.
To open the door is a risk. Opening the church door to a person in mental crisis is hard and good. Opening the car door to a stranger on the side of the road is risky and good. Opening the door to our homes to welcome in a stranger to live with us is hard and good. Opening our lives to folks who look different, live different, and talk different is hard and good.
As people of Open Door, we have found ways to open up and make room in our small household of faith. Opening the door is a way that we love well, embracing all the beauty and pain that come with any good work of love.
Find more information on our pages here about worship times and other activities. We look forward to seeing you soon!