In Response to Current Events

We are committed to following Jesus with a heart that acts justly, loves mercy, and walks humbly with our God. The current events happening in our country today related to systemic racism and injustice have shown us that we still have much to learn. We eagerly and humbly desire to be peace pursuers in the area of racial reconciliation and justice by learning and listening to our black brothers and sisters. Below, we have put together a number of resources that we hope will serve as a means for continued growth and education for all of us. This list is not exhaustive, but it provides a starting point for us to grow as ministers of reconciliation in our world.

Recently, our region of the country experienced two horrific mass shootings resulting in the death of children and adults alike and injuring many others. We are grieved in spirit and challenged in our calling as peace pursuers. The Great Lakes BIC theologian-in-residence and Open Door community member, Rev. Matthew Peterson, has offered his thoughts in the statement below. We stand with the grieving and we call for an end to the violence and together we call on the Lord for His mercy and to our government officials to address this ongoing issue of violence in our communities.

A Statement on Gun Violence

Plowshares member and doctoral student, Matthew Peterson, shares his heart in this poignant and pointed article calling Christians back to the heart of their faith - the gospel of Jesus. Click here to read more.




Racism and Race relations



Digital Resources

General Resources within the Brethren in Christ

On Facebook, join the BIC Peace & Justice Project Group for many resources and opportunities that help us engage with our larger BIC family. You can also get more information including News and Resources at their website here.

We also recommend subscribing to Shalom! A Journal for the Practice of Reconciliation, a resources available from the Brethren in Christ.